Thursday, May 13, 2010

Going green is not just about recycling it is about saving money and being able to make money. I started a new business that gives me an opportunity to help others live a healthier life and share a profit of the revenues through developing leaders who want to build a successful home business. Most business models will tell you to use the old fashion method of marketing by harassing your friends and family. This may have worked for some people in the past but obviously you need to extend your network beyond just your little circle to be successful. It does not hurt to notify them that you are in a business but don't go chasing them around. Simply let them know you started your business and you are serious and if they are curious what you are doing they will ask. Now you may briefly explain what your business is and how they could benefit. Market your business to strangers through various forms of advertising and those whom are interested will contact you for more information. Reverse marketing usually does not work; so do not think that you can get a sign up for your business by pretending to be interested in a business you really are not. This usually ends up turning into a pitching match that wastes your time and energy. Pretending to be interested in another person's business opportunity just so you can pitch them about yours is bogus. The other person does not appreciate it and I am sure you would not either cause it does get annoy. Generating your own leads with attraction marketing is the best source to build a business empire.

Lets go back to why I joined a Green network marketing, the company has company management experience with integrity. The current owner of the company also has a vision for the future. Being green and organic is in demand because people want to live healthier lives. Since I am going to buy these consumable products anyway I might as well take advantage on having an opportunity to get paid for building a business. I am sure you will agree that if you have an opportunity to make money on stuff people are already buying then you would switch stores to buy from your self. Even if you did not make any money from it you are not losing money either. This company does not require their distributors to stock pile product. You do not store a bunch of product to sell to your customers. They actually order directly from your website or you can help place an order for them via phone. This way you get group volume and the only requirement for you to get paid is to buy a small amount of personal product use. This company has all the daily essentials for your body such as oral hygiene, face, skin, and vitamin nutrient supplements. I really like the firming serum, eye treatment, and facial sunscreen to keep my face looking young; even though I am not 40 yet I can't stand the dark circles under my eyes. The company has several other products too. This business is not about learning every product they sell and how it works; its about being able to give people a quick overview of what type of products and teaching them how to duplicate. So here is a basic break down of the product categories: Get clean (safe economic friendly cleaning products) skin care for the face, weight loss, nutrient supplements, and daily essentials for teeth, hair, and body. It is hard to go broke when you are not spending any new money but it is easy to go broke when you are in an mlm that encourages you to buy and call leads. You do not need to buy and call leads for this business. I will teach you no cost and low cost advertising methods. Now you may not be able to approach your family and friends if they really don't want to talk to you or go running when you tell them about your next business opportunity. However if you have friends that trust you and are willing to listen then just share why you decided to switch stores or why you started a business? I am sure that most of them know that you started a business to make money that should be a no brainer. It is obvious that you go into business to make money so why would you limit your self to old school marketing techniques. Does this sound funny to you because that is what most network marketing companies teach you to do. They do not show you how to really market outside your warm market. This is why real entrepreneurs seek mentoring from an outside source to build a real business not a hobby. I offer people free mentoring with mentoring for free giving them access to free live training calls on marketing, advertising and how to relate with other people.

So if you want to be in business for yourself without taking a big risk and be green I can help you do just that. Learn more by clicking the link below.
Be Green and Get Mentored with Greta

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